Monday, June 16, 2014

Stop Motion Project

I thought making the stop motion was actually pretty fun. And it turned out great too. So I was pretty happy with the way it turned out. The sad thing was it actually really didn't get finished because the music wouldn't work.
    If we could fix this project in any way, maybe well, we'd get the music to work somehow and not make the shark move while we weren't using him. That didn't really look the best.
So, overall, great project. Fun. And, It turned out well. :)

Pop Art

    So, there actually isn't a picture for this project but I decided to make a reeses peanut butter cup. I was not satisfied at all .My project looked HORRIBLE.
   If I had the opportunity, I would so do this one again. I would choose a whole other thing. Reeses aren't very fun to make. And they are sort of hard too. So yeah, I wouldn't make another reeses.
    I learned that, well, paper mache is actually a lot harder than it looks and It's not my strong point. I'll have to work on it.

Letterform #2

     I didn't actually like this project as well as the first letterform project. I also don't really like the way it turned out. So, I'd have to say I'm not really satisfies with this project nor did I really like doing it.
    So like I said before, I didn't like how it turned out. If I could redo this project, I honestly would. I'd probably use different letters and arrange them better.
     What did I learn? Well, I learn how to make a collage of letters...? And I bettered my skills with painting inside lines.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Character Skelaton

I simply loved this project. It was fun and you had to use your skills and imagination in order to complete this project. And that is exactly what true art needs. So, yes. I loved how this one turned out too. And I loved participating in this project. It was fun.
    One thing I learned from this project was how to not only draw a skeleton, but to form it to any character you wished to draw. And I believe, If i had an opportunity to fix something on here, it'd probably be the feet.

Cell Animation

  I thought this project was actually pretty neat. I enjoyed this project actually quite a lot. And, I also loved how my darling little monkey turned out. He's adorable. I even loved how my shading turned out. I worked really hard on this project and I'm satisfied how it turned out.
      I wouldn't change anything about this project. But, I learned what to and what not to do while shading with paint. I may have or may not have made some mistakes while shading (haha). 

Letter Form #1

    I loved this project. My overall experience with is was great. I absolutely loved how this one turned out. Honestly, when I get this back, I'm gonna hang it on my wall.
    Like I said before I loved how this turned out and I honestly wouldn't change one thing about it. I'm good with painting so this was quite easy for me to do.
   I learned letters are not only "letters," but they are also shapes and can be used as them too.
    If Mr. Puffpaff asked if I wanted to redo this, I woudlsimply say no. I like it the way it is.

Scavenger Hunt

      My overall experience with this project is good. I enjoyed choosing objects to which I wanted to draw, and that made this project a little more fun than some. Furthermore, I am satisfied with how this drawing turned out. It may not be the best work of art, but I'm proud of it.
      I think that this turned out, in my opinion, great. I mean, It could've been worse. I shaded and made it look more 3-D and I think everything has good proportion.
     During this project, I learned how to create a piece that is based on a real life picture, which actually most drawings/paintings are. So, I am learning how to draw those better anyways.
     If I ended up doing this again, I'd probably want to fix up the shading and maybe work on the leash and making it look more realistic.