Friday, June 13, 2014

Scavenger Hunt

      My overall experience with this project is good. I enjoyed choosing objects to which I wanted to draw, and that made this project a little more fun than some. Furthermore, I am satisfied with how this drawing turned out. It may not be the best work of art, but I'm proud of it.
      I think that this turned out, in my opinion, great. I mean, It could've been worse. I shaded and made it look more 3-D and I think everything has good proportion.
     During this project, I learned how to create a piece that is based on a real life picture, which actually most drawings/paintings are. So, I am learning how to draw those better anyways.
     If I ended up doing this again, I'd probably want to fix up the shading and maybe work on the leash and making it look more realistic.

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